
Who is graphenaton?

Graphenaton Technologies SA was founded in Switzerland in 2020 to explore the tremendous opportunities created by the discovery of graphene in the late 2000s.

The company quickly became interested in imagining the conditions under which graphene could be industrially developed, and focused its work on defining an innovative material composed of different layers of polymer films incorporating graphene-based inks and pastes, the GTSA film, whose manufacturing parameters can be managed to define its uses.

Based on this unique, innovative principle, a wide range of industry-specific films can be produced. The implementation of a flexible, lightweight support in the form of a polymer film combines perfectly with the exceptional electrical superconductivity of graphene, creating a material platform of unrivalled versatility. This combination, if mastered, offers considerable advantages, such as enhanced mechanical strength, improved electrical conduction and superior barrier capacity to gases and moisture. This material lends itself ideally to the design of flexible electronic devices, advanced sensors and high-performance energy storage systems, and its use extends beyond electronics to the energy and environmental industries.

Graphenaton Technologies SA has carried out numerous research and development projects, the results of which have proved conclusive. These have enabled us to define proprietary processes for using graphene in the development of industrial applications. The company is continuing its R&D work to continually enrich its knowledge base.

Based on this work, Graphenaton Technologies SA has filed 28 patent applications in Switzerland and abroad since 2020, and is currently working on translating them into industrial applications.


For further information, inquiries or questions, please contact the Graphenaton Technologies SA team